Soil Dynamics Forum
To take care of and enhance the activities of ISET in the area of Soil Dynamics, a dedicated forum named ‘Soil Dynamics Forum’ is established within ISET for the promotion of Soil Dynamics, on December 21, 2018 with the generous financial support received from Prof. Shamsher Prakash.
The main aim of the forum is to promote the dissemination of recent advances and activities in the area of soil dynamics within India and around the world. This is being achieved through involving large number of professionals in India and overseas in various activities related to soil dynamics. Forum has been trying to proliferate the dissemination of the knowledge of geotechnical earthquake engineering and other allied fields by organizing short courses, conferences, and workshops.
Current and Future Activities of the Forum:
Present and future activities of the forum are given below:
1. To look after the activities of ISET in the area of Soil Dynamics.
2. To promote the activities in the area of Soil Dynamics at Pan-India level.
3. To encourage faculty at various institutes to organize Conferences, Workshops, Expert lectures and Training programmes on behalf of Soil Dynamics Forum, ISET.
4. To attract funding for organizing various events of the Forum by approaching State Governments/AICTE/DST or Industries.
5. To organize the quadrennial (4-yearly) International Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND SOIL DYNAMICS (ICRAGEE)”. Missouri University of Science and Technology organized this conference in 1981, 1991, 1995, 2001, and 2010. All these conferences were chaired by Shamsher Prakash. Prof. Prakash has transferred the responsibility of organizing this conference to Soil Dynamics Forum, ISET. For the first time, this international conference was organized in India at IIT Roorkee Extension Centre, Greater Noida during 3-5 August, 2016. 7ICRAGEE is being organized at IISc Bangalore during 13-16 July, 2020 under the chairmanship of Prof. TG Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati.
6. To organize national workshops on liquefaction, Seismic Site Characterization, Ground Response Analysis & Local Site Effects, Landslides, Embankment Dams, Soil Structure Interaction, Retaining walls, etc. Soil Dynamics Forum has organized a Two-day national workshop on liquefaction during 27-28 Nov. 2015. Dr. Ravi S. Jakka has coordinated this workshop. Over 90 delegates have attended this workshop. Fourteen keynote lectures were delivered by eminent personalities from different IITs as well as industry, in the field of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering on the State-of-Art Practices as well as latest developments on various aspects of liquefaction. Similar workshops will be organized in future.
7. Organize short term courses on Soil Dynamics at regular intervals. It is proposed that IITs and possibly some other Institutes may actively involve in conducting these courses.
8. Faculty exchange programmes may be established for the promotion of soil dynamics at several IITs, NITs, and other practicing institutions.
9. Symposia and brain-storming sessions on specific agenda concerned with research in soil dynamics would be organized. Professionals in the areas of Geotechnical Engineering, Geophysics, Structures, and Earth sciences may be invited.
10. To establish an OVERSEAS Committee to advise and participate in selected activities.
11. To develop teaching materials on state-of-the-art practices and latest developments in various topics related to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics.
12. Online short courses and Webinars by Researchers from India and overseas may also be organized.
7ICRAGEE is in continuation of the previous six such international conferences in which the first five were organized by the Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, USA, and the latest one by the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) and the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET), at New Delhi, under the chairmanship of Prof. Shamsher Prakash, Emeritus Professor, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, USA.
The 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (ICRAGEE) will be held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during July 13-16, 2020. The conference shall have invited Plenary lectures, Keynote Lectures, State of the Art and Practice (SOAP) Lectures, Special Presentation Lectures (SPL) and contributed original research papers for discussion and publication in the proceedings. It will provide a platform to review the contributions and accomplishments in the field of soil dynamics in the last few years and draw an agenda for the future course of action keeping the national and global needs in the forefront.
Links to ICRAGEE:
Office Bearers:
Chairman : Prof. M.L. Sharma
Department of Earthquake Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee – 247 667
Secretary : Prof. Ravi Jakka
Associate Professor
Dept. of Earthquake Engineering
IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
M.C. Members : 1. Prof. Gopal Ranjan
Retired Professor in Dept. of Civil. Eng., IIT Roorkee and
Former Vice Chancellor, University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee)
5-A/46, Civil Lines
Pwd Road, Near St. John’s School
Roorkee-247 667, Uttarakhand
: 2. Dr. Swami Saran
Retired Professor, Dept. of Earthq. Engg.
House No 352 (New)
113 A, 7 Civil Lines
Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand
: 3. Prof. T.G. Sitharam
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781039, India
: 4. Prof. Sreevalsa Kolathayar
Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)
Vellore – 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
: 5. Prof. Jagdish Prasad Sahoo
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667
ISET Bye-Laws: Clause XII – Soil Dynamics Forum
XII.1 To take care of and enhance the activities of the Society in the area of Soil Dynamics, a dedicated forum named ‘Soil Dynamics Forum’ be established at ISET Body for the promotion of Soil Dynamics.
XII.2 Interested ISET members in the activities of Soil Dynamics may become the members of the Forum.
XII.3 The affairs of the Soil Dynamics Forum shall be carried out by a Managing Committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary and 5 members who shall be elected by the Soil Dynamics Forum members in a suitable manner.
XII.4 The term of the Managing Committee of the Soil Dynamics Forum will be two years. The names of Chairman and Secretary of Soil Dynamics Forum will be published in the News Letter of ISET.
XII.5 The Soil Dynamics Forum shall work under the banner of the Society (ISET) and will follow the Society’s constitution and Bye-Laws.
XII.6 Rs. 23.00 Lakhs donated by Prof Shamsher Prakash for the establishment of the Soil Dynamic Forum will be made available as a seed corpus to the Forum. Additional grants as necessary can be raised through donation, corpus, sponsorship, and through the savings of the events organized by the Soil Dynamics Forum. The entire corpus including Rs. 23.00 Lakhs donated by Prof Shamsher Prakash and any other donations received henceforth will be deposited in fixed deposits under Soil Dynamics Forum corpus. The same will be shown in balance sheet by ISET annually under separate head in the name of Soil Dynamics Forum corpus. 25% interest earned will be added to the corpus of the Forum’s fund. In order to meet the overheads in taking care of the Forum’s activities by the ISET main body such as providing secretarial assistance, 25% of the remaining interest amount will be used by the ISET main body. The balance interest will be transferred to savings account of the Forum. In case, if the funds are not utilized in a particular year, that fund would be made available for subsequent years.
XII.7 The Soil Dynamics Forum shall keep the ISET executive informed about the activities which would be published in the ISET News Letter.
XII.7 Auditing of accounts are to be carried out by a Chartered Accountant and the information is to be provided to the ISET main body, as is the case with the local chapters, so that the accounts of the ISET main body are maintained properly.
Membership Invitation (A Message from Prof. Shamsher Prakash)
Dear Friend,
It gives me immense pleasure to invite you to join in Soil Dynamics Forum, which is initiated by me to promote Soil Dynamics in India. First, let me brief you about our glorious past, when we were ahead of outside world in various areas of research in soil dynamics.
There was a time in 1970’s when we had taken a lead in developing research projects in Roorkee, Bangalore, and other centres in India, on Liquefaction of Sands with fines, Displacements of rigid retaining walls under seismic condition, design of piles under earthquake conditions, and in-situ soil properties determination for machine foundations, and seismic design, and many more. We have lagged behind at this time on the recent advances in Soil Dynamics.
In order to PROMOTE this ACTIVITY in India, I have created a virtual forum named ‘FORUM FOR THE PROMOTION OF SOIL DYNAMICS IN INDIA’ in the year 2014. Despite being a virtual forum, many activities such as Liquefaction Workshop in 2015 and 6ICRAGEE in 2016 were successfully organized. To promote and sustain the activities within the area of Soil Dynamics in India, Prof. Ravi Jakka has taken the initiative and worked under my guidance to create Soil Dynamics Forum within ISET.
Soil Dynamics Forum is committed to organize all the future editions of the quadrennial international conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (ICRAGEE), initiated by me. Apart from this flagship event, the Forum is committed to organize several workshops, short-term courses, mini-symposia, invited lectures, etc. for promoting soil dynamics in India. I request your active involvement in the forum activities, which further helps you in your career advancement. As a first step, I request you to take a membership in the Soil Dynamic Forum, which offers several benefits.
With Best Wishes and Regards,
Shamsher Prakash
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Our Donors

Professor Emeritus,
University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
Soil Dynamics Forum has been created with the generous financial support received from Prof. Shamsher Prakash. Prof. Shamsher Prakash has donated Rs. 23.00 Lakhs for the establishment of the Soil Dynamics Forum within ISET.
Prof. Shamsher Prakash was born on January 3, 1933 in India. Today he is renowned in the world for his work in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Yoga. Prof. Shamsher Prakash earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Roorkee in 1954. He joined the faculty of Civil Engineering in University of Roorkee in 1957. He earned his M.S. in 1961 and Ph. D. in 1962 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Prof. Prakash served as Head of the Civil Engineering Department, University of Roorkee during 1982-83. He left Roorkee to join the faculty of University of Missouri-Rolla, USA. Presently, he is Professor Emeritus there. He returned back to India for a short period from 1983 to 1985 to serve as Director, Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee.
Prof. Prakash has served the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology as its Founding Member, Secretary, Editor and President, and made invaluable contributions for its growth to meet its objectives.
The Shamsher Prakash Foundation was founded by him in 1988 in India and in 1989 in USA for uplift of mankind through its THREE-FOLD programs in Yoga, Geotechnical Engineering and Peace. The Foundation arranges talks and workshops and has instituted awards and prizes in these areas.