ISET Biot Award

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Mrs. Nadine Biot, Avenue Paul Hymans, 117 Bte 34, B 1200 Brussels, Belgium has instituted a 4-yearly “ISET Biot Award for Significant Contributions in Earthquake Engineering with emphasis on Biot Response Spectrum Method” in the name of Dr. Maurice A. Biot to honour individuals for their outstanding contributions in Earthquake Engineering with emphasis on Biot Response Spectrum Method. The award consists of an award money of INR 2,00,000/- and a Citation. This award was instituted on March 02, 2016.

Bio Sketches of Awardees


Prof. Vinay K. Gupta is one of the well-known experts in Earthquake Engineering worldwide.  He has conducted theoretical work on a variety of topics including: response spectrum-based modal combination rules, wavelet-based stochastic response, engineering ground-motion simulation, performance-based seismic design, response of secondary systems, aftershock response, rocking ground motions, seismic hazard assessment, soil-structure interaction, and statistics of earthquake response. He is an author or co-author of about 85 papers in refereed journals. He has made ground-breaking contributions to probabilistic formulation of structural response to earthquakes. He formulated and extended the existing methods and showed how the Biot Response Spectrum can be used to correct the stationary stochastic representations to be applicable to highly transient time series. Prof. Gupta joined Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in 1990.  Before joining IIT Kanpur, he spent 10 months at University of Southern California (1989-1990) as Research Associate in Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, three years at University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee), first as Teaching Assistant and then as Lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering (1983-1986), and one year at Engineers India Limited, first as Management Trainee and then as Junior Engineer in Ocean Engineering Department (1982-1983). His other appointments include Guest Professor for two months at Aalborg University, Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering (1989), and Third-Country Scholar (academic and/or professional of outstanding experience under the MEEES programme) for three months at University of Pavia, ROSE School (2006). He is a Member of Seismological Society of America (SSA), Affiliate Member of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Life Member of Indian Society of Wind Engineering (ISWE), and Member of Institution of Engineers (India).  He is also a Life Fellow of Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET), Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), and Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). He has received the Kapitsa Medal in 2004 from the RANS, the ISET Hanumantacharaya Joshi Award for the Best Paper in Structural Dynamics for the block year 2001–2004, the ISET B.N. Gupta Award for the Best Paper in Seismology and Seismotectonics for the block year 2017–2020, and Young Engineer Award in 1997 from the INAE. He has served as Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (2004–2014), and as Editor of ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology (1998–2013). He has also served as Member, Executive Committee, ISET (1997–2013) and Vice President, ISET (2003–2007).


Rs. 2,00,000/-
Year 2022

Prof. Mihailo D. Trifunac is one of the leading experts in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology worldwide.  He has conducted both theoretical and experimental work on a variety of topics including: earthquake source mechanism, empirical scaling of strong ground motion, strong motion arrays deployment, seismic wave propagation and site effects on strong ground motion, seismic hazard assessment, structural dynamics and soil-structure interaction, full-scale testing of structures, seismic instrumentation and data processing, statistics of earthquake response, and tsunami research. He is an author or coauthor of 460 widely cited technical publications. Prof. Trifunac joined the University of Southern California (USC) in 1976.  Before joining USC, he spent three years at California Institute of Technology (1972-1975) as Assistant Professor of Applied Science, two years at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University first as Research Scientist, and then as Research Associate and Lecturer in Department of Geology (1970-1972), and one year at California Institute of Technology as Research Fellow in Applied Mechanics (1969-1970).  His other appointments include J.S.P.S. Research Professor at Kyoto University, School of Civil Eng: (1988/89), and Consultant of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to its Advisory Committees on Reactor Safeguards (1971-1994), and on Nuclear Waste (1989-1994). As United Nations consultant he lectured in India at Central Water and Power Research Station, near Pune, from 1979 to 1982. He is a member of American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Seismological Society of America (SSA), Sigma Xi; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET), and New York Academy of Sciences.  He is also a member of the Serbian Academy of Engineering, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, and Honorary Member of Indian Society of Earthquake Technology.  He has received the Kapitsa Gold Medal, to author of scientific discovery in 2002 from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Lockheed Martin Senior Research Award for seminal contributions in the field of earthquake engineering and seismology in 2000 from the University of Southern California, the ISET Best Paper Award for 1989, and the Hanumatacharya Joshi Award in 1991 for the Best Paper in Structural Dynamics.  He was named among the Top 20 Authors on the Special Topic – Earthquakes worldwide for the period 1993-2003 (one of only two earthquake engineers on this list), and among Top 1% Authors in Engineering worldwide by the Institute of Scientific Information (Thompson ISI). He is ranked by Microsoft Academic Search among the top authors (All years) in Civil Engineering (12th), Mechanical Engineering (46th), Seismology (1st), and Reliability and Risk (1st).

Rs. 2,00,000/-
Year 2022