6th WCEE

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6th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

The Invitation for holding this Conference in India was extended by the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology and the Institution of Engineers (India) in Co-sponsorship of Central Water and Power Commission, Central Public Works Department, National Buildings Organization, Corps of Engineers, Railway Board, the Indian National Group of IABSE and School of Research and Training in Earthquake Engineering and with the backing of Government of India in 1973 at the time of the Fifth Conference held in Rome. The assembly of National Delegates of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering accepted India’s invitation through the normal process of ballot and authorized the Executive Committee to decide about its dates. The dated Jan. 10-14, 1977 were decided on the basis of majority opinion of the Executive Members and the National Delegates through correspondence. The Geological Survey of India, Indian Meteorological Department and the National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad also agreed to co-sponsor the Conference.

The Organizing Committee was initially formed by the representatives of the various sponsoring organizations and later extended by co-option. Dr. Jai Krishna was elected Chairman of the Organizing Committee. Dr. A.S. Arya as Organizing Secretary and Sri L.S. Srivastava as Jt. Organising Secretary. The Organsational works was done through several sub-committees as listed in the information and program proceedings of the Conference.