Membership Invitation (A Message from Prof. Shamsher Prakash)

Dear Friend,

It gives me immense pleasure to invite you to join in Soil Dynamics Forum, which is initiated by me to promote Soil Dynamics in India. First, let me brief you about our glorious past, when we were ahead of outside world in various areas of research in soil dynamics.

There was a time in 1970’s when we had taken a lead in developing research projects in Roorkee, Bangalore, and other centres in India, on Liquefaction of Sands with fines, Displacements of rigid retaining walls under seismic condition, design of piles under earthquake conditions, and in-situ soil properties determination for machine foundations, and seismic design, and many more. We have lagged behind at this time on the recent advances in Soil Dynamics.

In order to PROMOTE this ACTIVITY in India, I have created a virtual forum named ‘FORUM FOR THE PROMOTION OF SOIL DYNAMICS IN INDIA’ in the year 2014. Despite being a virtual forum, many activities such as Liquefaction Workshop in 2015 and 6ICRAGEE in 2016 were successfully organized. To promote and sustain the activities within the area of Soil Dynamics in India, Prof. Ravi Jakka has taken the initiative and worked under my guidance to create Soil Dynamics Forum within ISET.

Soil Dynamics Forum is committed to organize all the future editions of the quadrennial international conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (ICRAGEE), initiated by me. Apart from this flagship event, the Forum is committed to organize several workshops, short-term courses, mini-symposia, invited lectures, etc. for promoting soil dynamics in India. I request your active involvement in the forum activities, which further helps you in your career advancement. As a first step, I request you to take a membership in the Soil Dynamic Forum, which offers several benefits.

With Best Wishes and Regards,
Shamsher Prakash


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